Samsung is expected to announce the Galaxy A22 in 4G and 5G versions soon. The 5G variant (SM-A226B) appeared on Geekbench last month with a Dimensity 700 SoC, 6GB RAM, and Android 11. Now the 4G model has also passed through Geekbench, revealing key specs in the process.
The benchmark database tells us that the Galaxy A22 4G, sporting model designation SM-A225F, runs Android 11 and has 6GB RAM on board, while the CPU section reveals the smartphone has the MT6769V/CT processor under the hood, which we know is a part of the Helio G80 SoC.
Geekbench doesn't divulge anything else about the Galaxy A22 4G, but the smartphone has been certified by FCC (model SM-A225M/DSN), and its listing on the certifying authority's website reveals the A22 4G will ship with a 15W charger.
There's no word from Samsung yet about the Galaxy A22, but thanks to the renders that leaked last week, we know that 4G and 5G variants will have similar designs. They will sport notched displays and feature square-shaped camera islands on the back. However, the 4G model will have three rear cameras inside the module, while the 5G version will pack four.
The Link LonkMay 18, 2021 at 03:51PM
Samsung Galaxy A22 4G pops up on Geekbench with key specs, bags FCC certification - news -
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